Saturday, March 26, 2011

March 2011

These are pics from this month of my husband, my best friend Josh, and his puppy Jerry lee. These are all taken on walks and bike rides. Enjoy :)

P.s. I love my new phone. The camera on my phone took these :)

There are a bunch more photos if you want to see them look on my Facebook :)

Friday, March 25, 2011


Brenton and I finally bought our bikes on Friday. We have only been on a ride twice due to weather. It's bee freezing, rainy, and snowy all week. Last week was so warm! I hope the weather is warmer this up coming week.

Wednesday was the mark of two years since the day that Brenton asked me to be his girlfriend. He got me azaleas :)

My best friends parents are selling there house and finally got a good offer. They want to move to Kansas. My friend isn't sure what he wants to do. He is my best friend besides my husband and it may kill me if he moves away. Ugh I wonder if they will sell. They say they're in no rush but the offer is more than the asking price.
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rain :)

I love the sound of rain! It is so calming and soothing to me! According to my dad it is suppose to rain until Wednesday. I'm sort of okay with that. I am so ready for good weather, but rain is still way better than snow!
Today I was at my moms. Last week I taught her how to crochet and she is still liking it. Until I pointed out that she wasn't using a real stitch. I told her it was okay, because it will work. As long as she is continuing to use the same stitch, then she will alright. This whole time I thought she was doing a double crochet when she is actually doing a mix between the double and a triple. It was rather funny to watch her reaction as she realized it wasn't what I taught her. Haha she says it is my doing.Speaking of crocheting, I am currently making a baby blanket for my Aunt Jenny who is due next month. I'm really excited. I am going to either put the alphabet or put numbers on it. I'm hoping it will be adorable when I am done with it:)

Friday, March 11, 2011

This is All New to Me

I am twenty years old going on twenty-one in June on the eighteenth. I am married to an amazing man. We have been married for over a year and I am completely in love with him. I am still the happiest I could be.

I guess that isn't completely true, to be honest. I'm not happy about the weather. I wish it was spring! I am so ready for the sun and flowers. Brenton and I are planning on buying bicycles so we can go on rides threw the park. We made a deal about the bikes. If he gets the really nice one he likes, then he has to take me at least three times a week on a bike ride. I am trying to live healthier while enjoying na
ture to it's fullest. I am also going to get a basket for the front of my bike, so I can take my camera equipment on most of our rides.

I am hopi
ng to start taking more pictures. Since high school, I have wanted to become a photographer. Hopefully one day I will. I also love to crochet! It is one of my favorite things to do. It makes watching a movie easier. I have A.D.D. and I can't sit and watch a movie with out doing something with my hands.

Today may be a hard day for me. One year ago a friend from work died. It's been hard. I remember walking into work that morning. He greeted me at the counter like he did every Thursday and every morning shift we shared. He always had the happiest smile on his face. He made working there a blast. That morning he was teaching me how to work the buffet. He taught me so much since we met. Not only was he teaching me about buffet, but he was also teaching me about W.O.W. He loved that game. He was teaching me about it, so that I would understand what my husband was talking about. He and my husband loved talking about it. He was so excited that morning, because he had completely turned his life around that year. He had classes that afternoon that would help him get a head at work. These classes lead to a promotion. After those classes he had a date. He was so excited for that date. So happy. He never made it to his date. The teacher at the class sent them all out to other fast food restaurants to see how certain ones operated. Either to or from the restaurant he was hit my the Trax Trains in Salt Lake. The police say that he was trying to beat it.
After a year I still cannot believe he is gone. After that day I never had another good day working there. Every morning shift I would walk in there expecting Alex to be there. I quit the following July. Every once in a while I look on his Facebook wall, read some of the messages left for him by family and friends, and I leave messages for him as well. This normally ends with me bawling until I walk away from the computer or my phone.

This evening when my husband is off work, we will take flowers. I miss him.

Well, because I am writing this at four in the morning, I am going to go put together Brenton's lunch. Maybe I will also surprise him with breakfast this morning.