Saturday, June 11, 2011

Daily Photo Challenge Day One and Day Two

I have decided to challenge myself. I am going to take at least five pictures everyday and post them. I normally take way more Well I started yesterday so I'm posting them both today. After I get use to posting them everyday I might start making it more and more of a challenge. Any ideas?
I hope you like the pics! Comments and other things like that are completely welcome!

Day One June 10, 2011

Green Peas in the garden. I just love the way the water is on the leaves. Tanner and Ally enjoying the shade. Pear Tree. I love how amazing nature can be when it comes to growing fruit. It's amazing :)
This is called the Little Window. I call it that because of course it's little. Haha it is only a few inches high. My mama's English Vines
Day Two

Sack Boy

Lover Bears

Keyboard. Liked this one because this is a very commonly used item these days by many people.
Sleepy Double Stuff Kitty. So Adorable!
Happy Sack Boy :)

Well what do you think?

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