Sunday, June 12, 2011

Amateur or Professional Photographer?


Wikipedia describes an amateur photographer as one who takes photographs for pleasure and to record an event, emotion, place, or person. They also describe a professional photographer as one who uses photography to earn money. Well then what do you consider one who takes pictures for pleasure, events, emotions, places, or people while earning money? I ask, because my dream job is to earn money while taking pictures. I love taking photographs! It is my favorite thing to do! I also have two Career Certificates. One in the Commercial Photography and the other in Digital Photography. These are some pics I have recently been working on. What do you think?  And do you have any tips on how to make photography my profession? I could really use some advice!

  Thank you all who took some time to view these photos and thanks to all those that leave comments or advise!

1 comment:

  1. I think there are several things you could work on. Firstly would be your text placement. At current your use of text is very distracting and does not enhance the mood of the picture. Bleeding Cowboys is not the best font to be read, and it really feels like you're just throwing it on. I would suggest you find a clearer font, like Foglihten or Optimus Princeps, then putting it in a color that suits the background. In your country road picture I had to squint to read it, and even then I am not certain I read it right.

    Also, I would suggest practicing more before you charge. At current you have issues with composition and lighting. Take the time to set up a shot, and make each piece deliberate. I think that will help your overall quality.
