Monday, July 11, 2011

Life Goes On.

I know I haven't done well at keeping this up to date, but everything in life is changing and moving forward so quickly. Well to get you all caught up here is the gist of what has changed. 

Brenton and I are getting a divorce. I will always love him and we will continue to be friends.

I have moved back in with my parents.

I have started working at Walmart in the produce department.

I haven't had time or even the courage to do much photography. It's really hard when all you have is the camera on your phone and basic free software to edit pictures. Plus I need more practice.
So far that is everything I can think of that has changed since my last blog. Now you may see why I have not had any more posts. Life is changing all around me and I accept it. So if I don't post anything for a while, you understand.

Please don't hesitate to email me you have any thoughts or questions. My email address is

Thank you to everyone that has been here for me threw everything. I love you all.

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