Sunday, July 31, 2011


This dragonfly spent a lot of time letting me take pictures. He stood still and didn't care how close I got him as long as I didn't touch him.  If he flew away for some reason I had to tell him to get back here he would loop back and land right where he was before. 

This little friend of mine made me think about things. Mostly because, my mom told me maybe this little one knew me in another life. Then she asked what a dragonfly symbolizes.  I thought about that for a minute... I honestly didn't know. So, I had to look it up.

Dragonflies represent:
  • Change and change in the perspective of self realization
  • Maturity and a Depth of character
  • Power and Poise
  • Defeat of Self Created Illusions
  • Focus on living ‘IN’ the moment
  • The opening of one’s eyes  
Once reading these things and the descriptions that were with them and I realized how they apply to my life. My life has been undergoing some extreme change.  Change is not necessarily bad. There is so much more meaning behind this that I don't know how to put it into words. The change in my life is for the better but it is going to be hard and take time to be able to handle it, but this little dragonfly gives me hope.  It will take a lot of strength but I have to be strong to survive.

Thank you to all those that have been here to help me threw this time. I love you all!

To Brenton
Ich liebe dich, mein Teufel. Fur immer und ewig. 
Aber du hattest Recht dies am besten.
Am besten fur eine gluckliche Zukunft.
Ich werde dich immer lieben.
Dein Gummibar

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