Monday, July 11, 2011

Update July 11, 2011

This post is about a few things that I've done since moving back in with my parents.

I have started to learn to love myself for who I am.
I am a beautiful, strong, sweet, loveable,
young woman who deserves the best in this world. :D

  I can see beauty in everything almost. 
This was one of the most beautiful moments I've
seen in a long time. It was raining during the sunset.

Got some great shots of an emu

Did you know the feather of an emu has two feathers
coming from one stem :)

 Ari and I were not sure if this was a goose or a weird duck

Ari bugging a lama, hoping he doesn't spit on her.
I really like this shot.

... A church across the street from another church....

 Pierced my ears again for my birthday :D

 Bought new cute shoes.

Thought this was cool. (kind of hard to see)
At a family BBQ and the 2 liter bottle left this behind.
Looks like a flower :)
 I watch every sunset that I am available
for and not at work during :)

I bought myself a mini fridge so that my 
parents don't have to buy everything for me
and so that I have drinks for lunches
(and so that Ryan doesn't drink them all and they aren't
all gone by the time I get home)
I just thought this was a funny sign.

Cuddle with Gizzmo all the time since 
she lounges in my room all the time. 
Such a spoiled, silly, and lazy kitty.

Ryan, my little brother, was cooking bacon. 
Got a little too crispy too quick but
was fun to try with him.

I also got a job at Walmart in the produce department. I like it.

Well that is everything I can think of right now :)
Hope you enjoyed this as much as I did experiencing them :)

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